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Where your dreams take shape

Imagine waking up every day in an early twentieth-century building equipped with all the most advanced contemporary comforts. Imagine living in a private park that protects your privacy, where you can take daily walks along shady paths under ancient trees. Imagine opening your window every morning and being able to see all the Ligurian coastline, from Boccadasse to the promontory of Portofino. Imagine Belvedere di Quarto.

Enjoy Genoa in its most flattering light.


Just 20 kilometres from Rapallo and a few minutes from the centre of Genoa, Belvedere di Quarto offers you privacy and tranquillity that cannot be found anywhere else, while at the same time letting you enjoy all the advantages of being close to the centre.

Turnkey apartments

Belvedere di Quarto offers modern turnkey apartments in energy class A: the ideal solution either as a prestigious first home with superior comfort or as a solid investment that will maintain its value over time.


Elegant seamlessness between interiors and exteriors: for the discerning family.


For short-term, tourist or traditional rentals: solid reliable investment.


For weekends away from the city or flexible lucrative investment.


For weekends away from the city or flexible lucrative investment.


For those who cannot forego a lounge for relaxation or a home office.

The images and texts that represent and describe the property externally and internally present on this website are purely illustrative. 

And in no way constitute any form of proposal, contractual element or measurement.
Energy class A

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